If We Were Having Coffee…

I’m a coffee drinker. One of my favorite things to do is to meet up with a friend at a local coffee shop and talk about life. On occasion, I like to have a virtual coffee date here on the blog and talk to you as though we were having coffee in real life. It’s been a while since I did an ‘if we were having coffee’ share, and so, if we were having coffee, we would probably be sitting at Frothy Monkey and this is what I’d tell you.
She’s Down South. She’s Down South is officially out into the world. As of this writing, it is a whole three weeks old. I’m absolutely loving writing content for it, researching articles, and sharing my love of sports. I’ve also started working on the podcast which I plan to launch in August, just in time for football season! Who knows where She’s Down South will take me, but I’m enjoying it, and I’m excited to see how it grows over the coming months.
Book Baths. I’ve been taking a lot of “book baths” in the evenings. What is a book bath, you ask? It’s reading a book in a bubble bath, of course. I have a goal of reading 30 books this year, and I’m right at the halfway mark. I’m currently reading The Light We Lost and Designing Your Life. I’ve read Designing Your Life before and I’m a huge fan. Get it, do the exercises, design a life you love. Or, if you’re me, re-design your life. As for The Light We Lost… It’s one of the 12 books I’m reading this year that was recommended by my social media followers and – spoiler – I am not enjoying it. I’m almost finished, but it will not be my favorite book of the year.
Define Training. I am so excited about Pure Barre’s new class format. Define is based in strength and power and uses heavier weights than a classic barre class. It is the barre class of my dreams and I cannot wait to teach it. I’ve been training the last couple of weeks and I’m close to doing my test out video. If you’re a Pure Barre person, make sure you jump into the preview classes studios are offering later this month – it is so so good!
Surrendering. We all know I’m someone who loves a goal and likes to know what’s next. I always have a “next thing” in mind – the next career move, the next project, the next story to write. Right now though, there is no true “next thing.” There are options, but none of them are the clear path forward. I’ve been envisioning myself as standing in the center of a crossroads, one of those rural ones where there are cornfields all around and the roads are dust, stretching out for miles in every direction, no discernable landmarks, no signposts, just choices – left, right, forward, back. I’ve been praying for discernment and clarity, but I also feel like I’m being asked to take my hands off the wheel and trust, to believe I’ll end up where I’m supposed to be, to take the old adage “let go and let God” to heart. So I’m trying to do that – to surrender and trust. It’s not easy and it’s not where I’m comfortable, but I think that’s the point. This is a lesson in obedience and trust.
No matter how much I want a clear and obvious path forward.
I Won’t Miss It. To that whole surrendering end, I’ve spent a lot of time telling myself “if it’s meant for me, it won’t pass me by.” I truly believe that. If something is meant for you, it will find you. If God has intended something for you, He will deliver it. I’ve caught myself thinking “if I do this, will I mess that up?” I have to remind myself that I am not that powerful. I cannot mess up what God has planned for me. Even if I “do this instead of that.” I actually gave a friend of mine this advice a few weeks ago and she reminded me of it earlier this week. Funny how your own words can come back around, huh?
If we were having coffee, that’s what I’d share with you, peppered with stories about my dogs and work and barre, I’m sure. If you were having coffee, what would you share?