Things I’m Loving

Every March, we spring forward and I hate it. I loathe it. I wholely and entirely despise it. I love the longer hours of daylight, but it takes me several days to adjust to the time change. This year was especially rough, most likely because I came back from Turks and Caicos (more on that next time!) all calm and relaxed and tanned, only to be thrown into circadian rhythm chaos. We’re five days in to this new normal (until Daylight Savings Time ends in November anyway) and I’m still trying to adjust. Since my brain is not computing well enough to write the blog post I planned to write this week, I thought I’d take a cue from my weekly newsletter and share some of the things I’m loving. The time change obviously does not make the list!

One Dark Window. Y’all, I was not prepared for how good One Dark Window is. I read it on vacation, couldn’t put it down. The magic system is unique, the characters are layered, and the romance is genuine. I wanted to dive right into the sequel, Two Twisted Crowns, but I have two book club books to read first. As soon as I finish the last page of the second book, I’m diving back into this world head first. Honestly, this book could be the only thing on this things I’m loving list, I love it so much. 

Onyx Storm. Like many of you, I blew through Onyx Storm and can’t stop thinking about it. It was exactly what I thought it would be and also entirely nothing like I thought it would be. I’m going to reserve any spoiler talk for a future post, but My.Goodness. I have questions. I knew it was going to end on a low as the middle book in a five book series, but it also ended on a high? Sort of? What a journey. What.A.Journey. Rebecca Yarros is a queen. 

Good Girl Books. You may have seen me post about Good Girl Books over on Instagram. I am absolutely in love with this precious pink book truck. Rayanne, the owner, is an absolute delight, and no one is ever upset when she has her pup Poppy, the official Good Girl Books mascot, along for the day’s pop up. I love supporting local businesses and I love buying books, so I am more than happy to give Rayanne, Poppy, and Good Girl Books all my money. If you’re in the Knoxville area, follow Good Girl Books on Instagram for their pop up schedule. Say hi if you see me there! 

Chase Rice’s Live Songs. Chase Rice and I have lived oddly parallel lives, but that’s a story for another time. I have really enjoyed his last two decidedly not bro country albums, so of course I listened to the three live tracks he recently released. Recorded during an acoustic show at Eric Church’s Chief’s in Nashville, they include two covers, “Carolina” by Eric Church and “I Can Still Make Cheyenne” by George Strait as well as a new song from his upcoming album, “Cowboy Goodbye.” I’ve listened to the Strait cover countless times at this point. Chase is playing a show a couple of hours from Knoxville in May. I may just have to go… 

Owala. Listen. I love(d?) my Stanely. I’ve had multiple Stanleys at this point, including the ever-popular 40oz and the “no spill” IceFlow. I use the 20oz cups for smoothies several times a week. I found the oh so popular tumbler cumbersome to haul around, however, and the number of times I knocked it over and spilled water during a workout needs more fingers than I have to count. I gave in to the Owala hype and I have no regrets. I love that I can throw it in my bag and it doesn’t spill. I love colors. I love that it still fits in my cup holder. I love that it has two drinking options. Sign me up. 

Peloton. After actual years of considering buying a Peloton Bike, I finally caved during their Black Friday sale and had my bike delivered a few days after Christmas. I am, officially, an obsessed Peloton user. I absolutely love it. I’m learning I’m a big fan of a themed ride, which should come as no surprise as I also love teaching a themed Pure Barre class, and I really like power zone rides. 

I’ll wrap it up there. I have plenty of editing to do on my next book, and more than one project I’m working on, and I’m determined to finish one of those two book club books in the next twenty-four hours. Share something you’re loving in the ocmments! 

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