Setting My 2023 Goals

As an enneagram three, it comes as no surprise that one of my favorite things about a new year is setting goals for the year ahead. I like to say I’m not a “”New Year’s Resolutions” kind of gal since I tend to operate from a “if you want something, go get it” mentality, but I can admit that there is something extra exciting about setting goals for a new calendar year.
I also like to be held accountable, so I’m sharing my goals for 2023 on the internet for all to see. Here are my goals for 2023.
Read 30 books. I read 27 books in 2022, one more than my goal of 26. I love to read, especially in the evenings or in what I’ve coined a “book bath” – a bubble bath with a book – and have a long ‘To Be Read’ list. I also crowd-sourced 12 books to read in 12 months from my social media friends. I did this in 2022 and read 10 of the 12 – couldn’t quite get myself to pick up Daisy Jones and the Six or The Paris Library despite having both on my shelf, maybe this year – and I’m super excited about the suggestions this year. Here they are:

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Query my manuscript. I finished a manuscript I really love in mid-2022. It’s been through a couple of rounds of edits and I’m starting 2023 off with a final round before I finally do it – I sit down, write the query letter, and send it off to agents. I tend to go into things thinking they’ll work out and this is no different. Someone, somewhere, will want this book. Here’s to landing a literary agent (and maybe a publishing deal?) in 2023.
Clean up my heath. 2022 was a rollercoaster. I talk about it in my wrapping up 2022 post. My health took a bit of a backseat, especially the second half of the year, and I gained some weight while working through high functioning depression. As cliche as it sounds, I’m using the new year to get back into a routine of meal prepping, working out, and sleeping better. I truly believe health is wealth and if I’m preaching it to my clients, I need to live it, too.
Grow my business(es). I’ve dabbled with side hustles for a long time with success ranging from mediocre to non-existent. I’ve had the desire and the want to, but I just – didn’t. I had a massive breakthrough in the waning weeks of 2022, however, that rocked my world (yet another thing I’ll be sharing in the coming days!). When you name your demon, so to speak, it takes away its power, and I’m ready to actually do. I’ve already re-launched my health coaching program – much more to come on the entrepreneur front in 2023!
Travel. Pre-2020, I traveled with some frequency. 2020 largely grounded us, and I took cross-country road trips in both 2021 and 2022 to move first from Chapel Hill to Los Angeles, and then from Los Angeles back to Nashville. This year, I want to put my passport to use. I’m planning a trip to Montana in April, and there have been a few international trip ideas tossed about. Portugal? Ecuador? Stay tuned…
Build community. I largely laid low once I got to Nashville. After such a topsy turvy year, I needed the respite. I’m craving community and connection now in a way I haven’t in a long time. I’m going to push myself to put myself out there – go places, do things, volunteer, try new things. Making friends and finding connection as an adult isn’t easy, but it’s not going to happen if I stay in my apartment, right?
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Go to church. I’ve sporadically gone to church since moving back to Nashville, but I want to be more consistent and attend not just regularly, but in person. It’s so easy to sit on my couch and watch church online, but it just isn’t the same. Going to a new church – and alone at that – can be scary, but we’re going to do it. Going to church regularly will also help with the above goal to build a community. I’d also like to join a small group this year.

Get married. I posted this on Instagram as a sort of “haha,” but also – I kind of mean it. I don’t even have a boyfriend at the moment, but you have to put it out there, right? As James 4:3 says, “you do not have, because you do not ask.” Again, something feels different. I feel “ready” for this in a way I haven’t before. I’ve gone on dates, that sort of thing, but also not actively been out there, looking for my person. Do I think I’ll *actually* get a diamond in 2023? Well, a tiny bit of me does, because that’s who I am. It’s the energy of this goal I like – put it out there, see what happens. After all, I know a few people who have gotten engaged to the love of their life after putting that vibe out there!
There we have my it – my goals for 2023. I like these goals – they feel like me, they feel doable (even that last one), and they feel like they will bring me maximum job. Are you setting goals for 2023? Let me know about them in the comments!